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Kerry Leonard, AIA

Director of Architecture, Reimagine America's Schools

Kerry is the Director of Architecture for the Reimagine America’s Schools program. For over ten years he served as a Senior Fellow and Architectural Advisor to the American Architectural Foundation on the Design for Learning program.  Kerry believes we have the responsibility to make better places of learning through design. He is an expert in creating leading edge places of learning using inclusive and inventive planning techniques.

For over 35 years Kerry worked for Chicago based K-12 design firms. Since 2016, as an Educational Facility Adviser, he provides facility planning and architectural consulting services to schools, architects and organizations. Kerry advances a culture of continual improvement to create, maintain, improve and enhance educational facilities in the service of students, staff and the community.

In addition to speaking and teaching activities, Kerry participated in the planning and creation of the book “The Third Teacher - 79 Ways You Can Use Design To Transform Teaching & Learning,” a collaborative project of OWP/P Architects, VS Furniture and Bruce Mau Design. He is also a contributor and reviewer of the publication “Good School Maintenance” published by Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB).