The Future of Learning at the Intersection of Technology and Design: September 2, 2020

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For decades, technology has been a dominant influence in reshaping the way we have approached teaching and learning. And while there are numerous examples of educators and architects that are creating new and exciting school designs which are integrated with technology, the vast majority of schools are designed on a model when the most advanced technology was electricity and blackboards. Those schools were designed on the model where a specific group of students had to be in a specific place at a specific time to hear the same specific message. We are no longer bound by those limitations. And even where the most current technology is used, the learning environment often undermines its impact. But the questions remain: what is the new vision for 21st century learning environments? How can technology and design work together more effectively to elevate student learning and help assure greater equity? How does the blending of virtual space and physical space influence the way we think about the design of schools?

This forum is just the beginning. Over the next weeks and months, we will continue this process to ultimately craft strategies and guidelines for educators to implement in their communities.


Education at the Intersection of Technology and Design, an Extended Conversation


The Impact of Distance Learning on Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: June 3, 2020