Massachusetts School Design Summit

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Dates: May 9-11, 2019

Location: Waltham, MA

Construction Dollars Impacted: $300,000,000


  • Revere High School

  • Stoneham High School

  • Watertown High School

Project Impact:
In May 2019, RAS partnered with Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). RAS Design Teams worked with three Massachusetts school districts in the early phases of the planning and design process for high school projects, potentially impacting $300 million of construction.

The MSBA works with local communities to create affordable, sustainable, and energy-efficient schools across Massachusetts. The three high schools invited to take part in the eligibility phase of MSBA's program had yet to form their project teams or conduct a feasibility study. As participants of the Design Summit, the three schools site constraints would involve difficult decisions on whether to build new or complete an extensive renovation. 

The RAS charrette process created an experience for school teams to collaborate with some of the best architects in the country. Our Massachusetts architects came up with inventive designs that not only reflected new educational thinking but satisfied MSBA's program requirements. 

RAS's involvement brought a national perspective and outside expertise to the Design Summit participants in how to imagine innovative schools when it would have the highest value--early in the process. This exchange also prepared school leaders for the next phase of design, leveraging their influence to bring about change. 

"I believe the best part of this work for me is recognizing that we managed to ignite a new spark in the minds of the champions that will lead their communities in the creation of a reimagined environment."  - Participant testimonial

Partnering Organization: Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA)

In-Kind Partners: Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs


Blueprint for Learning Design Institute